In the wake of the events of the epic Justice League: No Justice crossover, Wonder Woman has created a new branch of the League to lead, gathering several members of the DC Comics’ mystically empowered heroes as the newest incarnation of the Justice League Dark. Among the new JLD members are Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Man-Bat, and…Detective Chimp?!? Yes, even he’s a part of Wonder Woman’s squad of freakish heroes. This unit of the Justice League was created to combat the threats that are frankly just a wee bit too weird and spooky for heroes like Flash and Superman.
Many of these mystical threats on Earth have tripled since the breach in the Source Wall occurred at the end of No Justice, so Diana is going to need all the aid she can muster to combat these bizarre new circumstances. All signs point to the Tree of Wonder–which was introduced at the end of No Justice, and which acts as a conduit between the magical realms and the rest of reality–about to wreak havoc on the mystical landscape of the DC Universe. Will Diana and her League be enough to stop the rising tide? You’ll need to read Justice League Dark #2 this week from writer James Tynion IV and artist Raúl Fernández to find out!

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: James T Tynion IV
Artists: Raúl Fernández, Alvaro Martinez
Cover Artists: Raúl Fernández, Alvaro Martinez, Jonathan Glapion and Greg Capullo (variant)
Here’s the official synopsis for issue #2:
“Plagued by a rash of otherworldly resurrections, the new JLD team begins scouring the shadowy corners of the DCU looking for leads. Turns out, this latest mystery ties back to the Tree of Wonder, last seen laying down roots in JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE—and it bears poisoned fruit to boot. The Tree serves as a doorway from the Realm of Magic to our world, and the Upside Down Man is just the first of many all-powerful mystic entities looking for a new haunt. It’s gonna take a major twist of fate for our heroes to get out of this one…”You can check out the first five pages from Justice League Dark #2, along with the variant cover from Jonathan Glapion and Greg Capullo down below in our gallery. The regular cover byRaúl Fernández and Alvaro Martinez can be seen above.
Justice League Dark#2 is due to hit stores on Wednesday, August 22
Are you as excited as we are to see Wonder Woman lead her own Justice League unit into battle? Let us know your thoughts down below in the comments.
Images: DC Comics