Nerdist Presents

When Your Co-Worker Gets Back from Wakanda

You know that co-worker who spends a week abroad and comes back as an expert? Aliza comes back from her vacation to Wakanda and has a lot to share with the rest of the office in this new Team Nerdist!

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Aliza Pearl as Herself
Rachel Heine as Herself
Damion Poitier as Himself
Hector Navarro as Himself
Kyle Hill as Himself
Jason Nguyen as Himself
Dan Casey as Himself

Directed and Produced by Jason Nguyen
Written by Aliza Pearl
Edited by Matt Caron
VFX by Charles Shattuck

Associate Producer Erik Kozura
Dir. of Photography Sean Goode
Cam Op/Swing Natalie Abraham
Production Sound Jon Odate
Key Wardrobe Rae Esterlina
Set Photography Josh Thomas
PA Jose Sosa
