Nerdist News

Spider-Man 3: Daredevil, Sinister Six, Spider-Verse Rumors Explained (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey)

We’re heading into the Rumor-verse as hype continues to build for the upcoming Spider-Man sequel! With news of Alfred Molina reprising his role as Doctor Octopus, and the previous announcement that Jamie Foxx would be returning as Electro, the floodgates have opened for fan speculation as to who could be joining the film next. From a team-up with Daredevil to the long awaited big screen appearance of the Sinister Six, Dan’s swinging into action to sort Spider-fact from fiction on today’s episode of Nerdist News!

The Spider-Man 3 “One More Day” theory explained:
Can a live-action Spider-Verse give us the best version of the Sinister Six?
