Onyx The Fortuitous, Cuphead, and the BattleBots Challenge!
Jessica and Hector interview Onyx the Fortuitous from Welcome to the Shadow Zone, play Cuphead, interview Starter Kit’s Jason Charles Miller, do the BattleBots Challenge, and more on this week’s Mothership!
2:49 – Too Many Tabs
12:45 – Onyx The Fortuitous stops by the Mothership set
22:22 – Indie City: Cuphead
35:00 – Jason Charles Miller interview and playing the game Chicken Scream
48:35 – BattleBots Mothership Challenge
The Mothership is a variety show that pulls together the personalities, topics and interests across Nerdist and Geek and Sundry into one glorious package! It’s live, interactive and extra awesome because the community is a big part of the show!