Nerdist Presents

Duo – Meet Your Sidekick Today! (featuring Wil Wheaton)

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It’s hard to find people that you really connect with…like someone to engage in vigilante justice. That’s where Duo comes in! Isn’t it time you met that special someone?

Directed by Andrew Bowser
Written by Ben Mekler

Hank Tannen/Wil Wheaton
Batman/Michael W. Shaw
Robin/Chris Robinson
Nightwing/Hampton Yount
Carrie Kelley/Victoria Schmidt
Captain America/Dan Casey
Bucky/Kyle Hill
Arrow/Paul Welsh
The Flash/Matt Grosinger
Han Solo/Ben Rodgers
Chewbacca/Scott Allen
The Joker/Michael Maxwell
Harley Quinn/Clare Grant

VFX/Jason Milligan
