This intricately designed 24”x 36″ poster comes in a regular edition of 300, as well as a variant edition of 150. The regular poster will be priced at $50, while the variant will be available for $75. Both are printed by DL Screenprinting, and both the regular and variant posters will become available Friday, October 5, at a random time over at
Matt Ryan Tobin’s version of the Marvel Comics anti-hero/Spider-Man villain evokes the artwork of Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, who helped popularize the character of Venom in the comics back in the late ’80s and early ’90s. It was this boom in Venom’s popularity that caused Marvel to switch gears with the character, and turn him from a straight-up villain into more of an antihero, which seems to be the track they are headed on for his solo film debut as well.
Are you excited to have this cool new Venom poster adorning your walls? Be sure to let us know down below in the comments.
Images: Sony / Mondo