TWIN PEAKS Fans Threw a Truly Lynchian Halloween Party

2017 was a banner year for fans of David Lynch and Mark Frost's cult classic television series Twin Peaks. After a quarter century of wondering what happened to Agent Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) and the other residents of the bizarre logging town, the long awaited third season of the show premiered on Showtime, rolling out 18 surreal episodes over the course of the summer. On top of that, on Halloween, Mark Frost released Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier. The novel, a follow up to The Secret History of Twin Peaks, finally gave fans closure on many of the lingering questions left over from both the original series and the new one.

Halloween was also the perfect chance for Twin Peaks fans all over the country to show their love for their favorite characters. (Even Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson went dressed up as Coop this year!) Now, thanks to Welcome to Twin Peaks, we've learned that a pair of uber-fans in Texas named Richard Evans and Katelyn Hales also had a Peaks-themed Halloween gathering, transforming their home into the show's infamous red draped Black Lodge. Richard was dressed as Cooper, while Katelyn was the Lodge version of murdered homecoming queen Laura Palmer. You can see a video of their Lynchian Halloween party above. Among the other Twin Peaks-inspired costumes wereLaura Dern's acerbic Diane, David Bowie's Agent Phillip Jeffries (pre-tea kettle form), and the terrifying Woodsmen from season three's surreal masterpiece of an episode, Chapter Eight. Other Peaks characters showed up throughout the night as well, but you'll just have to watch the video to see who else dropped by for a slice of cherry pie and a cup of damn fine coffee. Did you or anyone else you know dress up as Twin Peaks characters this Halloween? If so, be sure to let us know down below in the comments.

Images: CBS / Showtime