For weeks now, we here at Nerdist have been haunted day and night by a single probing question: What on Earth—or, more appropriately, what beyond Earth—would a Quentin Tarantino-directed Star Trek movie look like? Ever since news broke that Tarantino could be the next filmmaker to helm an official Star Trek feature, fans of the Pulp Fiction director’s ultraviolent oeuvre and of Gene Roddenberry’s decades-spanning sci-fi staple have been vexed and intrigued by the promise of such a curious union. Unfortunately, we’ll have to rely on our imaginations for quite a while longer, as Tarantino has a whole ‘nother film to finish before he even sets to work on his Star Trek venture. In the meantime, however, Nerdist Presents has come up with what we figure Tarantino’s Trek might look like:
(Star Trek: Discovery may have marked the first use of the “F” word in official Star Trek canon, but per the above, we can wager that Tarantino’s Trek will up the ante with obscenities galore.)
Given that Star Trek: The Original Series closed up shop in 1969 and Star Trek: The Motion Picture didn’t hit theaters until a decade later, the franchise never really got the chance to revel in the bombast of the ’70s aesthetic—the flavor of which has lined so many of Tarantino’s films to date, regardless of period setting. If a Tarantino-directed Trek could actually make good on the long lost opportunity to meld the dignity of the Enterprise with the righteous ‘tude of one of the most innovative decades of cinema, then consider us on board.
Where do you stand on a Tarantino-helmed Star Trek film? Let us know in the comments!
- Tarantino’s Star Trek will be R-rated
- Patrick Stewart could return for Tarantino’s Star Trek
- One fan theory posits that Inglourious Basterds is a Star Trek movie
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