Hot Toys’ Next WONDER WOMAN Figure Shows No Seams

Wonder Woman can do many things. She can deflect bullets, leap tall buildings in a single bound (ever since Superman transitioned into full-on flight, somebody had to), and even generate a magical shockwave by crossing her arms in front of her face. Such gifts are the stuff of fantasy films, of course, but in the real world, Hot Toys‘ Wonder Woman (in training armor) is still able to amaze…by being fully articulated with no visible joints.htww4

Check it out: no shoulder joints that you can see. And yet she has no problem striking and holding natural-looking poses.htww11If this skin-over-frame design can hold up without tearing, it may have been the toy development that, appropriately, all the world has been waiting for. But that’s not all the figure offers: she comes with a stand featuring the Themyscira beach backdrop, a god-killer sword on its pedestal (yeah, yeah, we know it’s not called that for the whole movie, but it’s an easier point of reference), multiple hands, and a bow with arrows.htwwallaccessoriesWe don’t think you’ve ever known a female figure quite like her, and you can preorder here. But we want more now. Expanding the line to give us a Robin Wright action figure would be a great next step.Wonder Woman in Training Armor is now available for preorder at all your favorite online toy stores. You might want to grab one before they all disappear into a virtual no man’s land.Is this the real princess of power you’ve been waiting for? Let us know in comments, and check out the gallery below for even more looks at the toy.

Images: Hot Toys