When DC Rebirth began for Detective Comics back in 2016, the Batman gathered some of his best sidekicks and proteges together to form something of a small army operating out of a new headquarters in Gotham City called “the Belfry.” Together with Red Robin, Batwoman, Spoiler, Orphan and reformed ex-villain Clayface, Batman was as close to achieving his dream of a Gotham free from crime as he’d ever been.
But now, in writer James Tynion IV’s swan song to Detective Comics, that family has fractured, and the so-called Gotham Knights are facing a crisis like one they’ve never face before in the form of the OMACs – the One Man Army Corps, in this context – in the storyline “Batmen Eternal.” In chapter five, GCPD officers Renee Montoya and Harvey Bullock need to be rescued from the OMACs as they set in on Gotham Central. Can Batwoman and the others save the day? Read our exclusive preview and find out!
You can check out the first five pages from Detective Comics #980, along with the regular cover, down below in our gallery. The variant cover by Rafael Albuquerque can be seen above.
Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: James Tynion IV
Artists: Raúl Fernández, Alvaro Martinez
Cover Artists: Raúl Fernández, Alvaro Martinez, Rafael Albuquerque (variant)
Here’s the official synopsis for issue #980:
“Batmen Eternal” part five! The worst possible future for Gotham City has been locked into place, and there’s nothing Batman can do to stop it…until Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain catch a glimpse of something they never would have thought possible!” ”
Detective Comics #980 is due to hit stores on Wednesday, May 9th
Are you as excited as we are to see the Gotham Knights take on the OMAC army? Let us know your thoughts down below in the comments.
Images: DC Comics
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