Zombicide: Green Hordes Brings New Awesomeness (And Horror) To The Black Plague ‘Verse

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Cool Mini Or Not has once again brought another shambling and smashing title to Kickstarter with Zombicide: Green Hordes. The standalone game (though fully compatible with Zombicide: Black Plague and its expansions) brings new enemies (such as zombie orcs) and new weapons (like a catapult) to the table for the survivors to use.


Smashing its funding goal of $300K, it’s already (as of this writing) quickly approaching $1M. Kickstarter backers will have access to the Kickstarter Exclusive of a Feral Dragon. The mini looks amazing, but the thought of facing one down on the tabletop is pretty terrifying, to say the least.  I suppose Dragon Bile has to come from somewhere and it must be like sausage: you may love it, but you probably don’t want to find out how it’s made (or in this case, personally harvest it.)


Of course, the new survivors in the box aren’t left to their own devices to fight such a fearsome foe. A big monster deserves a big monster killer, and that help will come in the form of this amazing trebuchet.


For those familiar with the Zombicide series of games, this game looks to be one more fun way to jump in and kill some undead monsters. For those unfamiliar with the series, it looks like a fun way to start getting in on the action and killing some undead monsters.

What’s your favorite zombie-killing tabletop game? Tell us in the comments!

Image Credits: Guillotine Games/CMON