Yoda Is Getting His Own Children’s Book!

The truth is, Luke Skywalker probably was too old to begin training as a Jedi. Fortunately for him, he had one of the greatest masters in history to help him harness his skills. Yoda took a young man who only had a fleeting knowledge of the Force and turned him into the galaxy’s greatest hope. And Yoda did it in remarkably little time, with nothing more than some vines and ropes on Dagobah.

Luke’s experiences on the swampy planet forever changed the fate of the universe. Now it’s going to change the fate of elementary school libraries too. An adorable new illustrated Star Wars book, A Jedi, You Will Be, will explore how Yoda prepared Luke to face Darth Vader and the Empire.

SyFy Wire was the first to announce the new middle school-level book from Disney and Lucasfilm. The book, from author Preeti Chhibber, will offer plenty of humor and insight as it follows Luke’s training during The Empire Strikes Back. He went there to seek out Yoda after Force ghost Obi-Wan told him to continue his training in the Dagobah System. It’s a time period that will always remain near and dear to the hearts of Star Wars fans. Not only was it a huge moment in Luke’s life, it was our first time meeting Yoda. He plays the biggest role in the book; as the title indicates, (best Yoda voice) narrate the story, Yoda does.

The Jedi master also looks wonderful too. The delightful illustrations come from artist Mike Deas. His simple-yet-beautiful style makes for a fantastic and fun take on Yoda. (He always looks great despite being 900-years-old, but he looks especially spry here.)

You can check out even more of Deas’ illustrations for the book over at SyFy Wire. They also include his great take on Luke himself.

Chhibber spoke to SyFy about what it was like to work on her first Star Wars project. She also talked about what this particular story meant to her.

“More than ever we have an opportunity and responsibility to reach young readers with positive, productive ideas. I may not even be able to remember the first time I watched the original trilogy, but its ideas of being committed to goodness, and of rejecting the Dark Side played a part in shaping me. So, getting to share those ideals with a young audience through a picture book is truly an exciting thing to do.”


This book should make for a wonderful read for youngsters, both those who are familiar with Star Wars and those new to the story. However, we have a feeling it’s going to end up in the home of plenty of adults too. Our coffee tables already feel empty without it. The only downside is A Jedi, You Will Be doesn’t hit store shelves until this fall. It will be available on October 6.

But if Luke could wait to start his training late and still become a Jedi master we think we can wait a few months to get a copy.

Featured Image: Lucasfilm