YELLOWJACKETS Season 3, Episode 3 Recap: New Revelations & Questions From ‘Them’s The Breaks’

Yellowjackets season three has wasted no time in swinging things into high gear. Season two perhaps moved a little slowly and didn’t round out its stories as much as it could have, but there’s no such complaint about the current season. Yellowjackets season three, episode three, “Them’s The Breaks,” was perhaps one of the most intense Yellowjackets episodes to date, and there have been some doozies. Between revelations about Jackie’s necklace, poison gas in the wilderness, and the Man with No Eyes, and new questions about the very fabric of reality on Yellowjackets, there was a lot to chew over this episode. If you’re still digesting, join us as we recap Yellowjackets season three, episode three, “Them’s The Breaks” and review all the episode had to offer.

Revelations From the Yellowjackets Season 3, Episode 3—“Them’s The Breaks”

Past Timeline: Mari and Shauna Have a Ceasefire in Season 3, Episode 3 of Yellowjackets

It seems Shauna and Mari can get along. Although they basically wanted to kill one another in Yellowjackets season three’s premiere, they seem to understand one another much better, or at least one another’s rage after Mari returns from being “kidnapped” by Coach Ben. We didn’t think we’d ever see them on the same team again.

Past Timeline: The Girls Are Ready to Kill Coach Ben After Mari Betrays Him

Yellowjackets season 3 episode three recap, coach ben
Paramount+ with SHOWTIME.

Though they were living a more or less peaceful existence in their new community, the Yellowjackets team is ready to turn to murder on a dime in “Them’s The Breaks.” Mari outs Coach Ben’s existence and location without even really hesitating, and the group gets ready to go on a witch hunt. Mari leads them back to the cave Coach Ben’s is staying in and it feels like the girls will attack him on sight. They even acknowledge they will probably kill him. Both Natalie and Misty try to talk them down, but neither tries that hard.

Past Timeline: There is Some Kind of Poison or Gas in the Caves That Causes Hallucinations

In a very trippy sequence, we learn that there is some kind of gas or poison in the caves below the Yellowjackets‘ wilderness that can cause massive hallucinations. Shauna, Akilah, and Van all get pulled into an episode where they find themselves in a heavenly setting that quickly turns murderous. The poison, or maybe it’s the wilderness, speaks to them in this place and basically threatens their demise. Ghost Jackie, Lottie, and the Man with No Eyes also make appearances.

Coach Ben saves Van from death by the poison, but in the end, the girls all turn on him anyway.

Present Timeline: Van’s Cancer Is in Remission in Yellowjackets Season 3, Episode 3

We guessed it. In a huge shock, or not, Van’s cancer has gone into remission in Yellowjackets season three, episode three. When Van goes to get her foot checked out after stepping on some glass, her bloodwork reveals that her level four cancer has stopped metastasizing. Given adult Nat’s death and the death of the waiter at Van and Tai’s dinner, the pair immediately assume the Wilderness has returned to touch them. But at what cost? For now, they don’t seem to care about that or even about the deaths they assume helped cure Van in these early episode of Yellowjackets.

Present Timeline: The Man with No Eyes Was in a Commercial for an Ice Cream Parlor

The man with no eyes watching Tai in Yellowjackets season one

What?! In by far one of the most bonkers sequences on Yellowjackets to date, the Man with No Eyes appears in a commercial for Ozzie’s Ice Cream Parlor in episode three of season three. Tai and Van happen upon the ad while watching an old episode of Pee Wee’s Playhouse. Tai says she used to watch it every weekend and then thinks she must have somehow seen the Man with No Eyes in the ad and used the form for her hallucinations. But that doesn’t account for Van, Akilah, and Shauna seeing the same figure in their wilderness trips.

Present Timeline: Yellowjackets Season 3, Episode 3 Reveals Lottie Has Jackie’s Necklace

Jackie’s necklace is an important item on Yellowjackets, and a lot of death seems to cling to it. We’ve seen the necklace mark its wearer for doom several times. It turns out its most recent owner was Lottie. In Yellowjackets season three, episode three, Lottie gifts it to Callie, Shauna’s daughter. She tells Shauna that “it just feels right.” She asks Shauna if she feels it, too. Shauna, understandably, is outraged and throws Lottie out of her house.

Present Timeline: Misty Finally Acknowledges Shauna Is a Bad Friend

Misty burning an image of the yellowjackets in season three episode three (1)
Paramount+ with SHOWTIME

It’s about time. Misty Quigley finally announces she deserves better than Shauna’s vision of friendship only when it’s convenient in Yellowjackets season three’s “Them’s The Breaks.” And you know what she does. But if Misty isn’t Shauna’s friend, is she her enemy? Uh oh.

New Questions From the Yellowjackets Season 3, Episode 3—“Them’s The Breaks”

Are There Really Two Realities in Yellowjackets World, as Mari Suggests in “Them’s The Breaks”?

In Yellowjackets season three, episode three, Mari tells Coach Ben that she thinks that there are two versions of reality; the bad one is just hiding or waiting, but they’re all real. The implication here is that the wilderness has revealed the bad reality and they are now in a different plane of existence. Could this be the truth of Yellowjackets universe? Other shows (see: Lost) have dabbled with the idea of hell realms and limbo existences as a part of their realities. Could the girls have been transported into a dark universe?

Are The Wilderness Rituals Less About Cannibalism and More About Sacrifices and Miracles?

We thought the wilderness rituals revolved around eating people. But now it seems like it’s really the death that counts. The concept of sacrifices for miracles has arisen increasingly in Yellowjackets season three, and we’re curious to see where it will go.

Yellowjackets season 3 episode three recap, the girls performing wilderness rituals
Paramount+ with SHOWTIME

Who is “It” Exactly, and What Does “It” Want?

“It” is also being brought up more frequently. We’ve heard of “It” before, but it feels like what “It” is will soon be defined on Yellowjackets season three. As for what it wants, we’re guessing death, as evidenced by the coyote with a dead rabbit in its mouth that Van and Tai see while considering this very question. But we’ll wait to learn specifics.

Past Timeline: Are the Noises of the Wilderness Real? Is It Poison Gas or Forest Gods?

Once again, we must ask, is it magic or madness? As of “Them’s The Breaks,” the Yellowjackets are hearing more and more shared groans, screams, and growls from the wilderness at seemingly random times. Could they all be hallucinating as a group, or is the forest really making noises?

Past Timeline: What Will Happen to Coach After Yellowjackets Season 3, Episode 3?

Coach is toast, but is he dead? It certainly seemed like the team wanted to kill him in episode three of Yellowjackets season three, but could he convince them not to? We kind of hope so! We like Coach Ben.

Present Timeline: Why Is Callie So Drawn to Lottie?

Things we learned in Yellowjackets season two episode one Lottie is a cult leader
Kailey Schwerman/Showtime

“Them’s The Breaks” touches on this question but doesn’t answer it. Why is Callie so drawn to Lottie? Is it curiosity, fate, or something more?

Present Timeline: Will Van’s Cancer Stay in Remission on Yellowjackets Season 3?

We’re still sensing tragedy for Van on Yellowjackets. Van’s cancer might be in remission as of Yellowjackets season three, episode three, but will it last? And how many people will Van and Tai murder in the hopes of getting Van to stay healthy? It feels too good to be true, and it probably is.

Present Timeline: Who Messed with Shauna’s Car and What Do They Want?

Shauna’s car breaks stopped working while she and Misty were mid-drive in “Them’s The Breaks.” And for once, we really don’t think Misty was behind it. But if not Misty, who could have messed with Shauna’s breaks? Is it the mystery person following her? Does someone want to kill the Yellowjackets in season three? We’ll have to stay tuned and see.

Present Timeline: Does Yellowjackets season 3, episode 3 Hint That Callie Is Pit Girl?

Shauna’s daughter Callie has long been speculated to be Pit Girl (second in popularity only to Mari), and Yellowjackets season three, episode three, moved the needle a little bit closer to pointing at her. After all, Pit Girl has dark hair and is wearing Jackie’s heart necklace. In “Them’s The Breaks,” Lottie gives Callie the necklace based on a feeling. Could that feeling be foreshadowing?

Present Timeline: What Is the Man with No Eyes Doing in an Ice Cream Parlor Ad?

We really have to ask, what? What does the Man with No Eyes have to do with ice cream? Is it purely a coincidence? Is he really just very sweet on the inside? We’ve always liked him, but this was a totally random connection. We hope to understand how the Man with No Eyes and Ozzie’s Ice Cream Parlor connect in the future.

And that is our recap of Yellowjackets season three, episode three, “Them’s The Breaks.” Join us next week as we continue to unfold the mysteries of Yellowjackets.

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