The upcoming sixth season of FX’s What We Do in the Shadows will sadly be its lastOpens in a new tab. And to be blunt, we are just not ready to say goodbye yet to our favorite undead housemates Nandor, Laszlo, Nadja, and Colin Robinson. But for those of us who want to keep our favorite bumbling vampires alive past the series finale, we now have a way to keep them truly immortal. Thanks to ComicbookOpens in a new tab.com, we’ve learned that a What We Do in the Shadows edition of the Clue board game is here. And it’s here just in time for Halloween season.

What We Do in the Shadows Clue board game box art.
The OP Games

In the new edition of ClueOpens in a new tab, you’ll get to play as the vampire roommates along with The Guide in an attempt to find Laszlo’s 100% Witch Skin Hat. This is a reference to a particularly hilarious episode of the series. And as fans of the show know, that Witch Skin Hat isn’t something one actually wants. You’ll search for clues through iconic locations from the show’s Staten Island residence. It’s all in an effort to find out just who would dare take Laszlo’s precious hat. Whoever did it, they’ll probably just find a way to blame poor Guillermo.

You can pick up a copy right now directly from The Op GamesOpens in a new tab for $44.99. It’s already in stock and shipping. Meaning that you have plenty of time to order it and have a game night every night in October. The game includes 6 suspect movers, 21 Rumor Cards, and 25 Intrigue Cards. We’re glad they let poor Guillermo receive his own suspect mover. Usually, they’d make him sleep in the tool shed or something and not be part of the fun. They treat their familiar so badly.

What We Do in the Shadows season six premieres on FX on October 21.