Video Producer’s Silly Tik Toks Will Help With Quarantine

Pop culture has taught me that cabin fever is totally legit and always ends badly. That’s what happened in The Shining and when Homer and Mr. Burns got snowed in that cabin together. But so far, the reality of being stuck indoors is proving to be much different. And much funnier. Instead of people losing their minds and talking to ghost bartenders, they’re just losing their sense of shame. At least that’s what’s happening to the Washington Post‘s Dave Jorgensen, whose absurd Tik Tok videos are helping us get through our own quarantine woes.

The Washington Post has been churning out quality Tik Tok videos for a while now. But with social distancing requiring many folks to work from home and stay indoors, the Post’s video producer Dave Jorgensen has taken it upon himself to keep making his own Tik Toks from home. And the results are delightful, offering the exact kind of distraction we need right now.

Hopefully Disney and Pixar feel the same way. Also, don’t get mad about his third video. Juuuust wait for it.

This was how he started day two. Day two!

Error occurred!

Obviously communicating with Star Wars LEGOs speaks to us personally.

But ultimately he’s fine. Right? Right?

No. No he’s not. But that’s great for us, because the longer this goes the more elaborate—and cinematic—his videos are getting. (So far “Sam” is our favorite recurring quarantine character.)

We should all take a cue from Jorgensen too. Not about making silly Tik Toks, but about trying to stay in shape while we’re stuck at home.

And it’s not like making a short video a few times a day is stopping him from working remotely. These might be absurd little ways to stave off actual madness, but this man is a professional. He knows what he’s doing.

Yeah, okay, that checks out.

Could be worse though. He’s still in much better shape than Jack Torrance and Homer Simpson were.

Featured Image: Dave Jorgensen

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