Even if you're not so much a fan of awards-friendly biopics or politically inclined true stories, you may want to keep an eye on Adam McKay's forthcoming film about former Vice President Dick Cheney. As the director proved with his 2015 film The Big Short, which detailed the lead-up to America's 2008 economic crisis, his transition from comedy films like Anchorman and Step Brothers to more serious fare would not mean letting go of his senses of humor and style. The Big Short was nothing if not kooky and flashy, and our first look at Vice suggests it too will maintain a cheekier veneer. But of course the standout of the trailer is the man at the center: Christian Bale, whose physical transformation into the former Veep is something to behold.
From emaciating himself for The Machinist to packing on the pounds for American Hustle, Bale has made physical transformations a substantial piece of his career as a movie star. Still, his metamorphosis into such a familiar figure as Cheney is especially stunning.Nevertheless, Bale's isn't the only performance the trailer has us impressed by; although Sam Rockwell hasn't undergone quite the same degree of shapeshifting to embody former President George W. Bush, he carries the aura of Dubya so well that you may even hesitate to recognize the actor at first glance. Likewise on board, and no doubt packing plenty to be excited for, are Amy Adams as Lynne Cheney and Steve Carell as former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.With the exception of Rockwell, all three stars have worked with director McKay before (yes, Adams was in Talladega Nights in case you've forgotten!), and Bale's turn in The Big Short earned him a Best Actor nod. Sight unseen, we'll be surprised if his name doesn't wind up in the same conversation this year.Vice hits theaters December 25. What do you think of this first glimpse of Christian Bale's embodiment of Dick Cheney? Let us know!
Image: Annapurna Pictures