Buying a set of dice is a major step on the path of geekdom. The next step? Deciding how to transport those obviously super-lucky polyhedrons to and from game. Every geek has to come up with their own solution, be it the traditional dice bag that comes with a free bottle of liquor to other carrying cases repurposed for nerdy ends. Buying a handmade dice bag at a convention is a common activity in the exhibit hall but crafty gamers have another option. For crafters looking for a new project, a gift to a new gamer or something to give to those hard working Dungeon Masters for those epic campaigns, we offer these handcrafted dice bags as inspiration.

Dragons are an important part of fantasy, be it A Game of Thrones, The Hobbit, or Dungeons & Dragons. Cindy de Vries offers this textured pattern that looks like a dragon’s egg, complete with 3-D scales. Different color yarns can be used to represent the crafter’s favorite chromatic or metallic dragons. This free pattern can work with any weight of yarn and also can be adjusted for any size dice collection for the the players that have one solitary set or a hoard to rival Smaug’s.

For many players, collecting dice becomes something of an obsession. Gamers have a particular set of damage dice or sneak attack dice. Other players have several dice they rotate in during the night, like members of a sports team that get benched for poor performance. Michaela Evans offers this free pattern for players that gotta catch ’em all.

Some adventurers get a soft spot for the monsters they face. The dungeon can, on occasion, feel like those old Warner Brothers cartoons with the sheepdog and the coyote. Monstrous dice bags exist, like this clever mimic of a mimic created by Ravelry user Caput Mortuum. For those adventurers that haven’t reached this level, mimics are monsters that look like harmless treasure chests until someone gets too close and they strike. This crochet pattern even comes with a tongue that tell other players hands off the dice inside.

Cthulhu is a monster with a huge fan club. The Great Old One has several option available on the site, but Kate Quinn offers a pattern where players need to reach into the forbidden maw to grab their dice before a session begins. This bag is not only an excellent choice as a dice bag, but also works as an fantastic accessory for fans of the Arkham Files series of games, which often require a monster cup or chaos bag to use in the game for random draws.

Most dice bags use some form of drawstring to keep the dice inside. Zippers seem to be more in the realm of purses and handbags. Rae Blackledge provides a design that not only secures dice behind a zipper but also is a tribute to the often overlooked d12.
What’s the best dice bag you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments!
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Rob Wieland is an author, game designer and professional nerd. He writes about kaiju, Jedi, gangsters, elves, Vulcans and sometimes all of them at the same time. His blog is here, his Twitter is here and his meat body can be found in scenic Milwaukee, WI.