UNMATCHED Reimagines STAR WARS: EPIC DUELS Using Heroes of Legend and Lore

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Restoration Games has quickly built an impressive line of games. We’ve covered some in the past, including  Downforce and  Fireball Island, and are back to share news of their latest announcement. Unmatched is a 2-4 player skirmish game that updates – or Restores – 2002’s Star Wars: Epic Duels. Designer J.R. Honeycutt makes his lead debut on Unmatched, though his hand has influenced Restoration’s Previous designs as a developer.

In Unmatched, heroes are represented on the board by a detailed miniature of their likeness. They’re represented in combat through a unique, highly asymmetric deck of cards that ensure no two heroes play the same way. Details are light, but the Mondo and Restoration teams have been teasing cards and images all week.


Unmatched is drawing on a variety of sources for combatant heroes and decks. The first box, Battle of Legends. Vol 1 includes Sinbad, Alice (of Wonderland fame), Medusa, and King Arthur. The first expansions set is called Robin Hood vs Bigfoot. That isn’t all, though. Restoration Games is also partnering with Mondo Games and tapping into an expansive catalog of licensed people and properties. Bruce Lee and Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be joining the others very soon.

Unmatched will release at GenCon this year, with retail release following shortly after. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as we learn more and get to play!

What heroes of legend would you want to see?

Image Credits:  Restoration Games

In addition to Geek & Sundry, Raf Cordero co-hosts the gaming podcast  Ding & Dent. Chat with him on twitter @ captainraffi.

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