The cosmic chaos of Thor: Love and Thunder is here! And with it come a ton of new characters, superpowered shenanigans, and fun comic Easter eggs to break down. But we’re not here to do any of that! As the title reveals we’re here to talk about the film’s two post-credits scenes. So if you haven’t watched the film yet, don’t read any further. And if you do choose to follow us on this journey then don’t blame us for the spoilers which will certainly abound! Onward!! The Ending explained!!
Who Was in the First Thor: Love and Thunder Post-Credits Scene?

After the impulsive but understandable choice to kill Zeus in Omnipotent City, Thor has moved on. But Zeus hasn’t. As the first post-credits scene reveals, Zeus is still alive. Laying replete on the floor he delivers an angry screed. Humans used to respect the gods, worship them, and sacrifice themselves for them. When they needed something they’d prey to them, but now they look into the skies not for gods but for superheroes. It seems that Zeus’ brush with death has incited a new fury within him, no longer happy to sit in his golden throne ignoring the world he wants to bring superheroes down a peg. His plan? To have his son Hercules hunt down Thor! It’s a moment many fans have been waiting for and one that came with a big casting reveal!
In the brief moment we get to see his face, we learn the MCU’s Hercules will be played by none other than Ted Lasso‘s Brett Goldstein. It’s an unexpected choice, but one that will likely get fans very excited. Hercules has a long history in Marvel Comics, even at one time becoming a member of the Avengers. His relationship with Thor is complicated too, making this a very smart place to introduce him and set him up as a potential antagonist for the hero going forward.
What Happened in the Second Thor: Love and Thunder Post-Credits Scene?

Following her emotional comics arc, Jane Foster ultimately sacrifices herself to save Thor and the universe. But all is not lost. As the second post-credits scene rewards people who waited til the very end of the credits with some hope. Jane Foster is dead, but she’s at the gates of Valhalla. Welcomed by Heimdall who thanks her for looking after his son Axl, Jane looks understandably confused about her new circumstances. But she died in battle and was wielding Mjolnir when she did it, so it actually makes a lot of sense. The big question now is what happens next? In the recent comics Jane does make it to Valhalla, but she eventually finds her way back to Earth. It’s there that she takes on her next adventure under the mantle of… Valkyrie.
While we don’t know whether Jane will follow that path, her appearance in the post-credits scene—and Valhalla—mean that you can expect to see more from Dr. Jane Foster in the MCU.
Featured Image: Marvel Studios