THE WHEEL OF TIME Goes to Rhuidean in Season 3

Given the most recent trailer for The Wheel of TimeOpens in a new tab season three, readers of Robert Jordan’s books won’t be surprised to learn the show is going to Rhuidean. “We really focused a lot of time and our resources this season on creating Rhuidean and pulling that off,” showrunner Rafe Judkins told Nerdist during a visit to the set. He continued, “It’s either going to be the most beloved or the most hated episode of Wheel of Time because it is very strange.” Indeed, Rhuidean is a wild experience in the books. Here’s some context on why Rhuidean matters—without story and plot spoilers from the books.


THE WHEEL OF TIME Season Three Trailer Shows White Tower Chaos and Moiraine’s Bleak FutureOpens in a new tab

What Is Rhuidean?

Rhuidean, located in the Aiel Waste, first appears in the fourth book in The Wheel of Time series, The Shadow Rising. The Aiel built the city sometime after the Breaking of the World—you’ll learn more about specifically which clan built the city later. Though Rhuidean is large and could be home for a number of Aiel, it’s unpopulated. Instead, some Aiel visit the abandoned city as part of a rite of passage. Ter’angreal and other objects of the One Power are strewn about its central plaza. The presence of One Power items likely gives you a clue about who helped the Aiel build Rhuidean: Aes SedaiOpens in a new tab.

Why Is Rhuidean Important in The Wheel of Time?

image of Rhuidean in wheel of time season 3
Prime Video

As mentioned, only some Aiel visit Rhuidean: clan chiefs and Wise Ones. They go to the sacred city to learn about the origins of Aiel. It is a test of sorts, a requirement for them to move into their respective roles. Not all who enter Rhuidean survive; some can’t handle the truth of their history. The visions clan chiefs see can be intense.  Aiel rules say: “The law is clear. No woman may go to Rhuidean more than twice, no man more than once, and none at all save they have the blood of Aiel.”

Those who visit Rhuidean don’t usually talk about their visions, nor do they share the Aiel’s history with others. The clan chiefs and Wise Ones know what happens in the city, but no one else does. In this way, Rhuidean helps determine who is fit to become a leader of the Aiel. Also, certain other characters in the TV series have connections to this place. We won’t say which yet because of spoilers. You’ll have to watch and see.

The Wheel of TimeOpens in a new tab season three premieres on March 13.