There’s nothing quite like having a custom miniature for yourself or custom bits to properly personalize your mini. The worst kept secret is that it’s actually not very hard to do. Our friends at Shapeways have created a tutorial that you can use to customize a generic miniature using Meshmixer (which is free) and a downloadable 3D printable design (FYI, you can get designs for a variety of miniatures, many that are available free to download).
The printed miniature was printed in a rigid clear material, perfect for painting. As we’ve said before, the more details a miniature has, the easier it is to paint, because it’s more like paint by numbers rather than relying on artistic skill to paint on designs and details. If you want to learn more about painting miniatures, be sure to join Will Friedle on The Painter’s Guild this Monday on Alpha and jump on the miniature painting bandwagon!

Image Credit: Shapeways
Teri Litorco is a tabletop game fangirl who makes YouTube videos about miniature games that include various painting and scenery tutorials and helpful tips. To keep up with her personal projects, her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and help her continue to make accessible painting tutorials by supporting her on Patreon.