To call The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild a "hotly anticipated" game is putting it lightly. You know that burrito that Jesus microwaves that is so hot that he himself could not eat it? That's how hotly Breath of the Wild is anticipated. At long last, I managed to get my grubby little mitts on Nintendo's long-awaited return to Hyrule, and it's a hell of a lot of fun. While our full review of the Nintendo Switch launch title is embargoed until late next week, here are my first impressions of the game, along with some tips and tricks that will come in handy when you get to play it next week.
The controls take some getting used to

Don't loot everything you see

I know it's difficult to resist the siren call of picking up every glittering, glinting, gleaming item you come across. After all, we've been programmed by years of video games to essentially be virtual hoarders. (Honestly, no one needs this much cabbage). But in Breath of the Wild, you don't need to give into your baser, magpie-like instincts because you are never that far away from getting a bigger, better, shinier item. You need to be judicious because you have limited inventory space, which will fill up quickly unless you upgrade it. That isn't to say you should ignore treasure completely, but don't let it slow your gameplay to a grinding halt.
You're basically Spider-Man

Spider-Link, Spider-Link, does whatever a Spider-Link does!
Link has always been an agile hero, jumping, rolling, and clambering his way through all manner of dungeons and temples. However, in Breath of the Wild, he can climb practically any surface, which means that you can truly explore this open world in three dimensions. Climbing to new heights becomes even more important and gratifying once you acquire the paraglider, allowing you to travel to otherwise inaccessible locations. Plus, climbing towers like the one depicted above, will reveal new areas on the map to you and provide a beautiful vantage point to take in the heights of Hyrule.
Discretion is the better part of valor

Make ample use of shield surfing Just in case extreme climbing and paragliding weren't enough to convince you that Link should have starred in Point Break, Breath of the Wild also lets you ride Link's shield like a surfboard. In order to do it, equip your shield by holding ZL, then press X to jump and hit A while in midair. The move allows you to gain quite a bit of speed and can help you outmaneuver opponents, but it has the side effect of rapidly damaging your shield in the process. Just make sure to keep an eye on the item's durability or you may find yourself suddenly tumbling down a mountainside, taking massive amounts of damage before ultimately falling over a cliff onto the rocky shoals below. Not saying that's what exactly what will happen to you, but I'm speaking from a place of experience.Don't forget to use your amiibos

Become an Iron Chef

Images: Nintendo
Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star Wars and the Avengers. Follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).
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