One of the best, scariest highlights of this year’s spooky season was Netflix‘s new horror series The Haunting of Hill House. For ten terrifying episodes, viewers watched–that is when they could stand to look–the many ways the Crain family was tortured by a monstrous mansion. However, for as dark and traumatizing as the show was, it turns out it was almost much, much worse. The show’s creator has revealed the original plan for the family’s final moments were far more sinister.In this very spoiler-filled episode of Nerdist News, host Jessica Chobot looks at recent comments from series creator Mike Flanagan about how they considered using the already infamous “Red Room” for a very different ending than the one we saw. Was it the right call though? Or should they have stayed with their first idea?
[brightcove video_id=”5856983845001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]As much as we love great, unrelenting horror, and for as often as we praise dark, twisted endings, that might have been a bit too much even for us. There’s only so much you can take when you just sat through ten episodes of a nightmarish ghost show that featured a killer room that can accurately be described as the “stomach” of the house.There are only so many horrible things we can digest at once.What do you think of this almost-ending? Would you have preferred it to the happier one we got? Or did they make the right call giving the Crains a break?