Support Has Arrived! OVERWATCH Raises Millions for Breast Cancer Research

Earlier this year, Overwatch launched a fundraising campaign for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, which kicked off with the release of a limited edition skin featuring support hero Mercy.

From then on, Overwatch heroes became real-life heroes when the dedicated playerbase raised over $12 million dollars for the cause.

Originally available for just two weeks during the month of May, the gloriously pink outfit was granted to players who purchased the charity skin, no loot boxes required. All proceeds from the sale of the skin, along with the funds raised from a limited edition Pink Mercy T-shirt by artist Vicki Tsai, were donated to the foundation. Players also tuned into special fundraising streams on Twitch, spearheaded by 14 notable Overwatch streamers and influencers, for an additional $130,000 donation.

Players not only embraced the charity initiative with in-game purchases, but with gorgeous fan art and mind-boggling cosplay to show their support of the company and their mission.

Overwatch and Blizzard Entertainment declare that they have the daunting goal of “creating a better world,” and fundraising efforts like the Pink Mercy skin are truly making it happen. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation’s goal is to eradicate breast cancer, and all of the proceeds from Blizzard’s spring charity event will go directly to those efforts. Thanks to the generosity of the gaming community, the battle continues.

Did you pick up the limited edition Mercy skin? Tell us in the comments.

All Images: Blizzard Entertainment