Supergirl, Tidus, and More by Tails in Cosplay Friday

How long have you been cosplaying? It’s a question I ask almost every cosplayer I encounter, as it’s interesting to learn at what point in their lives people caught the bug. Fairie Tails cosplay, a.k.a. Tails, has been making costumes for around eight years. She started when a friend of hers let her know about a pop culture convention in her area and suggested that Tails should make a costume and attend.

Tails told me, “I saved up for fabric and a bus ticket and away I went. I had no idea it would become such a huge part of my life but I’m glad it did. I love all the aspects of cosplay: the craft, the makeup, the wigs. I especially love bringing characters to life in photoshoots and trying to tell a story through my photos–I’d say that’s what I focus on and enjoy the most.”

Let’s look at some of her costumes, starting with Supergirl:

Supergirl Cosplay-Fairie-Tails-05052017

Supergirl (DC Comics) | Photo by Little-Noise Photography

And some Final Fantasy cosplay (incidentally, I finally recognize Final Fantasy costumes now because I’m playing Kingdom Hearts for the first time!).


Tidus (Dissidia: Final Fantasy) | Photo by Little-Noise Photography

Soar down to the gallery to see additional costumes by Tails. You’ll see other DC Comics inspired characters like Black Canary and Catwoman, a couple of costumes from Sailor Moon, and more. You can keep tabs on all of her projects by following her on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram.

Do you cosplay or take photographs of cosplayers? Then I want to see your work so we can talk about highlighting your creations in a future Cosplay Friday gallery. If you’re a photographer, maybe we could focus on your images from a single convention. If you’re interested, please get in touch with me at and send photos you’d like me to feature–the higher resolution the photos, the better. Be sure to provide credits for the cosplayers or photographers for each image because giving credit is good manners–bonus points if you include links to relevant Facebook pages or websites. Though I wish I knew all the nerdy franchises, I don’t, so please let me know who or what is being cosplayed.

Featured Image: Little-Noise Photography

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