SUPER FRIENDS Combines the JUSTICE LEAGUE’s Heroism with FRIENDS’ Narcissism

For as long as people have been telling each other stories, we seem to have been drawn to tales about the best, brightest, and noblest of humankind… or, in certain cases, Kryptoniankind. Superman and his fellow heroes of DC Comics–including Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, and even those oft forgotten Wonder Twins–represent our aspirations to be and do good, to put others first and champion the betterment of the human race and its home planet above all else.

Of course, we mere mortals also enjoy a good story about selfish jackasses here and there. Case in point: the most popular American sitcom in recent history, Friends. In stark contrast to Clark Kent, Diana Prince, and the rest of the DC Comics gang, the New York layabouts who captured our attention for 10 seasons between 1994 and 2004 represented humankind’s less-than-ideal inclination toward whining, laziness, and abject narcissism.

Somewhere in between these two properties, we get Nerdist’s latest creation: The Super Friends!

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Truth be told, it’s a bit frightening to imagining the ramifications of giving Joey Tribbiani superhuman strength and X-ray vision, or Chandler Bing the endless fiscal resources and free time of Bruce Wayne. Nevertheless, it’s amusing to watch the Central Perk gang exercise their newly acquired superpowers for the menial, far-from-noble purposes you know they’d never stray beyond.

Which is your favorite Super Friends sync-up–Wonder Rachel? Aquapheebs? Let us know!

Animation by  Dilara Mundy
Song by Jon Odate
Voice Over by Michael W. Shaw