THE MANDALORIAN Set Photos May Reveal a Surprising STAR WARS Enemy

Disney has found its lead for the first ever live-action Star Wars TV series, The Mandalorian. Pedro Pascal, Game of Thrones’ Red Viper, will travel to the galaxy far, far away, during a time period when the remnants of the Empire were still causing problems for the reestablished Republic. New photos from the set, shared by Making Star Wars, show an old enemy might reveal how much of a threat Imperial soldiers posed long after Palpatine’s death. But is their presence a sign that a far more dangerous–and infamous–figure from Star Wars past could also show up on Tatooine to cause problems? And could he also help connect the Empire to the First Order?On today’s Nerdist News, host Amy Vorpahl looks at what the appearance of Imperial death troopers, first seen in Rogue One, on the set could mean for the new show–if they are death troopers. Not only are these soldiers highly skilled and deadly, they have been known to escort some of the most important leaders of the Empire during their travels. Does that mean another famous foe, one fans have longed hoped to see in a live-action story, could finally make his long-awaited appearance? Grand Admiral Thrawn in live-action, maybe? And is this also a sign The Mandalorian could help fill in some of Snoke’s mysterious backstory?

[brightcove video_id=”5967099607001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]If the presence of death troopers means what (or rather “who”) we think it might, well, let’s just say when that fan-favorite character shows up we won’t be blue. So long as Pedro Pascal remembers to stay focused if he fights him.What do you think though? What do those elite Imperial soldiers mean for the show’s enemies? Tell us in the comments below.