First of all, I don’t intend to feature so many Star Wars tattoos in Inked Wednesday, but readers keep sending me awesome ones. I can’t help it! Case in point: Chris G. just sent me photos of a ridiculously detailed and colorful sleeve that’s a dedication to all things Imperial.

What he calls his “dark side dedication sleeve” took about five months and over 50 hours to complete. That’s a lot of time sitting in a chair with a needle piercing your skin. Chris and his tattoo artist, Megan Emery at Bijou Studio Tattoos, had 4.5-6 hour sessions every two weeks. The fully operational tattoo was completed on May 6. Chris told me, “The sleeve was a collaborative effort between myself and my tattoo artist. I sent her several Star Wars images prior to my first session & she came up with the design/layout of the sleeve.”
The images included Chris’ must have characters like Darth Vader and Boba Fett and vehicles like the TIE fighter.

The tattooist is also the owner of Bijou Studio Tattoos in Austin, Texas. You can follow her on Instagram and drop by the shop’s website if you’re interested in stopping by.
Catch a ride on an AT-AT to the gallery below to see the sleeve from additional angles.
Submit your ink
If you have nerdy ink on your skin or you’re a tattoo artist that applies pop culture, STEM, music, or other nerd-inspired ink (tl;dr: I want to see basically all of the tattoos) on a regular basis, then please hit me up because I’d like to highlight you in a future Inked Wednesday gallery. I’m especially interested if you have a sleeve or other large tattoo. You can get in touch with me via email at Send me photos of the tattoos you’d like me to feature (the higher resolution, the better) and don’t forget to let me know the name of your tattoo artist if you have it, as well the name of the shop he or she works out of. If you are the tattoo artist, give me links to your portfolios and/or Instagram accounts so I can share them with our readers.
Images: Chris G.