CBS All Access has made no secret about its ambitions for multiple Star TrekOpens in a new tab series. But the Federation just got Rick-rolled! Rick and MortyOpens in a new tab writer and producer Mike McMahan has signed a deal for a new animated comedyOpens in a new tab set in the Star Trek universe. And while Star Trek: Lower DecksOpens in a new tab probably won’t be as shocking as McMahan’s previous series, it’s definitely going where no one has gone before…at least in the Star Trek universe. Today’s Nerdist NewsOpens in a new tab is beaming down to give you the latest details![brightcove video_id=”5853538023001″ brightcove_account_id=”3653334524001″ brightcove_player_id=”rJs2ZD8x”]
Join host and night shift captain of the Enterprise, Jessica ChobotOpens in a new tab, as she shares the early details on Lower Decks. Star Trek: The Next GenerationOpens in a new tab fans will probably recognized the name “Lower Decks” as one of the most popular episodes from the final season. But beyond the name, the new show has little to do with that story. Instead, McMahan is focusing on the more mundane side of Starfleet. The example cited by McMahan was a lowly technician on the Federation’s least important ship, whose job is essentially to take care of the food replicators.Opens in a new tabThere may be some push back to this show, but resistance is futile! Besides, it’s not like Star Trek has never gone for humor before. Almost all of the various live-action series have embraced humor and lighthearted episodes. And one of the most successful Star Trek films, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, was pretty heavy on the laughs.McMahan’s Rick and Morty experience may also prove very useful on this new show. Remember, Rick and Morty has some of the wildest sci-fi ideas that are barely explored and almost immediately discarded. Lower Decks could be an ideal place to try out some of the more outlandish concepts that just wouldn’t fly in live-action. Whether the show ends up in canon is besides the point. As long as it’s entertaining and funny, we’ll be happy with it.What do you think about Star Trek: Lower Decks? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!