Not much truly shocks me these days. The world is so incredibly wacky, and sometimes disturbing, to the point that people are making charts to keep up with strange happenings. Murder hornets, giant spiders hitting the skies, and many other headlining topics make me do a double take. And that doesn’t even include the daily happenings on Twitter. But I can say that this bit of news indeed caught me by surprise. A Shrek burlesque show exists (via DesignTAXI). Universal let us know it is not licensed or official (a previous version of the article stated it was).

Shreklesque isn’t a new thing. It came about during the darkest of times in 2020. If ever there were a year for something weird to arise, it would be 2020, right? But Shrek is perfect for this. There is a cat in boots for crying out loud. The Shrek burlesque show began in Perth but starting in June 2022 it will bring its odd sexiness to other places in Australia like Sydney and Melbourne. And it will make its way to New Zealand too. You can check out a bit of the, um, action in this clip below. I promise that this video peek is suitable for work.
Honestly, this looks like a really good time for everyone. The talented performers seem to be enjoying themselves and the audience is laughing. The costuming is rather fun and a few Instagram photos are something to behold.
I love it. I want to see it. Australia might be the move whenever I decide to go international again. We can all use a little more joy in the world so maybe Shreklesque will shimmy its way to the United States at some point.