If you have young daughters or nieces, then you are probably well aware of "Girl Scout Cookie Season." During this time of year, you've got to show your support for their fundraising endeavors by buying one or more boxes. It's pretty much your patriotic duty. But as a young scout, what do you do to distinguish yourself from the sea of other young girl scouts out in front of every grocery store? How does one find a way to sell more than everyone else? Well, one young fifth grader in Colorado has learned to tap into not just the hunger of passers by, but the thirst. Specifically, their thirst for a hunky, shirtless Jason Momoa.
Thanks to Munchies, we've learned of dedicated Girl Scout and local genius Charlotte Holmberg, who realized the way to make her $4 box of cookies stand out from the rest of the pack was to put a picture of a shirtless Jason Momoa (from a scene in Aquaman) on the front of the box. Suddenly, her boxes of Samoa cookies, cleverly altered to "Mamoas," began selling like hotcakes, no doubt due to several thirsty moms and dads snatching up the customized boxes. Young Miss Holmberg has now been deemed "Top Cookie CEO" of her area, which we think is a title that has been well earned. Apparently, Charlotte's mom is a marketing professional, so she might have had something to do with this, but we don't want to take away too much credit from the area's #1 Cookie CEO. Our professional advice to Charlotte: branch out to the Marvel Cinematic Universe too, because there are at least three shirtless guys named Chris that we wouldn't mind on our cookie boxes either. It's an untapped market, Charlotte!
Images: Warner Bros.