San Diego Comic-Con 2018Opens in a new tab is just over a week away, and the team behind Nerdist and Geek & Sundry will be reporting from the show with the latest news and developments. But any fans in San Diego with us will have a chance to catch members of our team at a few panels throughout Comic-Con.
Starting things off early on Thursday, Leonard MaltinOpens in a new tab and his daughter, Jessie—hosts of the Maltin on MoviesOpens in a new tab podcast for the Nerdist network—will head to Room 24ABC at 11:30am. This will be your opportunity to finally say “You’re Wrong, Leonard Maltin!” That is literally the name of the panel, and fans and amateur film critics are invited to verbally spar with the Maltins.

Did you know that 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone WarsOpens in a new tab? Our Managing Editor and resident Star Wars-ologist, Amy RatcliffeOpens in a new tab would never let us forget! Amy will be moderating The Clone Wars 10-Year Anniversary panel on Thursday, July 18 at 11: 45am in Room 6BCF. Lucasfilm animation’s Dave Filoni will also be on the panel, alongside a few currently unannounced guests.

Also on Thursday, you can catch our Editor-in-Chief Rachel HeineOpens in a new tab as she appears on the “Will You Go to the Dance with Me? How Homecoming Dances and Epic Parties Have Shaped Storytelling” panel. At 3:30pm in Room 24ABC, Sam Maggs and Amy S. Foster will lead a discussion about parties as “excellent plot devices” alongside panelists Alexandra Monir (Timeless), Camilla Zhang, Rowan Rowden (Dual Wield Studios founder), and our own Rachel.

Geek & Sundry host Satine Phoenix is closing out Thursday with “Representation in Gaming: From the Comic Shop to the Tabletop.” D20 Dames co-host Jen Vaughn and Christina “Steenz” Stewart are going to talk about the importance of representation in the nerd community of gamers alongside artists Max Bare and Shing Yin Khor, and writer Josh Trujillo. You can catch this panel at 7pm in Room 32AB.
Friday is a very big day for us at SDCC. Associate Editor Kyle AndersonOpens in a new tab will be moderating the Dreamworks Voltron Legendary Defender season seven panelOpens in a new tab with cast members Rhys Darby and Bex Taylor Klaus, executive producers Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery, and story editor Josh Hamilton. That panel is kicking off at 10:15am in Room 6BCF.

At 11:30am in 5AB, you can check out Nerdist News Live with Rachel Heine, The Dan Cave‘s Dan CaseyOpens in a new tab, Because Science‘s Kyle HillOpens in a new tab, and Nerdist NewsOpens in a new tab and Bizarre StatesOpens in a new tab host Jessica ChobotOpens in a new tab.
Animation InvestigationOpens in a new tab host Hector Navarro is moderating Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus! at 1pm in Room 6A. He’ll be talking about the new Invader ZimOpens in a new tab movie with series creator Jhonen Vasquez, art director Jenny Goldberg, and several members of the voice cast, including Zim himself, Richard Horvitz.
At 2pm in Room 25ABC, it’s time for “Geek & Sundry Live” with our colleagues Marisha Ray, Anjali Bhimani, Amy Dallen, Erika Ishii, Jeremy Walker, T. J. Rotell, and Sean Becker as they talk about the new and returning shows on the G&S network.

Amy Ratcliffe is on another Star Wars panel at 2pm in Room 7AB. This time, she’ll be joining Disney-Lucasfilm Publishing Michael Siglain and other panelists for “Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away!” If there’s any Star Wars publishing news to be announced, this is where it will happen.
Dani Fernandez is representing Team Nerdist at the “Geek Podcasting and You!” panel at 4pm in the Neil Morgan Auditorium at San Diego Central Library. Michelle Nguyen Bradley will lead the panel as they talk about nerdy podcasts with Ify Nwadiwe, Emma Fyffe, and Matt Acevedo.
Saturday is a little bit slower, but no less important. Nerdist writer Rosie Knight is moderating “Comics Are for Everyone… Aren’t They?” at 10am in Room 4 to tackle the subjects of inclusivity regarding people of color, gender, and disabilities within the realm of comics. She’ll be joined by panelists John Jennings, Jaz Joyner, Kat Overland, and Mark Martinez.
Rosie will also be a guest on the “Judge Dredd: Supercop or Satire?” panel at 6:30pm in Room 8, as she tackles Mega-City One’s iconic character alongside Judge Dredd: Under Siege writer Mark Russell, Rise of the Black Panther writer Evan Narcisse and CBR reporter Meg Downey.

Also at 6:30pm, the wildly popular cast of Critical RoleOpens in a new tab will assemble in Room 6BCF for “Talks Machina with Critical Role.” Talks Machina host Brian W. Foster will welcome Matthew Mercer, Marisha Ray, Liam O’Brien, Sam Riegel, and Taliesin Jaffe to answer as many questions as possible.
One of our last panels of the year is “Geek & Sundry: Welcome to the Wednesday Club.” This is the first time we’ve brought Wednesday Club to SDCC, and you’ll be able to see it live at 1pm in Room 7AB as Taliesin Jaffe, Amy Dallen, and Matt Key go over the big comic news of Comic-Con and this year’s Eisner Award-winning creators and books.

You know, we just couldn’t leave Comic-Con without a Bizarre States panel. Jessica Chobot, Andrew Bowser, and a mystery panelist will be bringing Bizarre States to Room 7AB at 2pm on the final day of the con. Expect things to get weird, because they always do.
If you can’t make any of those panels, then you can probably find us at Nerdist House at Sparks Gallery, where we will be running a number of live shows throughout Comic-Con. You can find the full Nerdist House schedule hereOpens in a new tab.
Will we see you at SDCC? Sound off in the comment section below!