Scott Pilgrim vs. the World might be an amazing comic book adaptation, but it’s the best video game movieOpens in a new tab ever made. Edgar Wright’s 2010 cult classic about an unlikely hero having to battle his way through a gauntlet of his dream girl’s exes still stands as one of the most original and entertaining films of the 21st century. It’s also an ode to everyone who grew up with a controller in their hands. I wish I could live in that universe (well, not the part where someone can punch me into oblivion and turn me into a handful of coins), but a new Kickstarter campaignOpens in a new tab will let me do the next best thing. Scott Pilgrim Miniatures The World will allow players to step back into that world to play as either Scott and his friends or the League of Evil Exes, as the battle begins anew in an all new board game.
Renegade Game Studios, the team behind Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Card Game, is back with a new take on the beloved story. Featuring oversized miniature figures of characters based on how they appeared in Bryan Lee O’Malley’s comic book series, the game lets you choose which side of the battle you want to join. You can elect to play as the good guys – Scott, Ramona Flowers, Knives Chau, Kim Pine, and Stephen Stills – or as the baddies hoping to ruin Scott’s relationship with Ramona – Matthew Patel and his evil Hipster Demon Chicks. That’s just who is available in the base game though. If you elect for all of the expansions you will also get both Gideon Graves and Super Gideon Graves (as he looked in the comics), as well as Lucas Lee, Todd Ingram, Lynette Guycott, Envy Adams, Roxie Richter, Ken and Kyle the Katayanagi twins, Robot 01, and Super Robot.
The game also includes ten 3D objects for you to “throw” across memorable music venues from the story. The base game features the Rockit Venue, and with the expansions you can also play at the Chaos Theater, Casa Loma, and Lee’s Palace. You can find a full list of the countless other game pieces, dice, tokens, and accessories at the game’s official Kickstarter pageOpens in a new tab, which as of this writing has nearly reached its funding goal of $50,000. (And it surely will with three weeks left to go.)
The rules of the game are easy:
- Choose your venue
- Pick your side, good or bad
- Roll your team’s special dice
- Activate your abilities
- Knock our your opponent to be the last one standing
For a more in-depth understanding of how the game is played Renegade Game Studios teamed up with our sister site Geek & Sundry to walk you through a session.
You can pledge your support for the base game for $90, the Tier 2 Gideon expansion for $150, or if you want everything you can back the Tier 3 for $260 dollars. (There’s also a $300 backing for verified brick and mortar stores.) All versions of the game will likely ship next summer, in June of 2020.
Between the movie and the comic book, Scott Pilgrim Miniatures the World has some pretty high expectations to live up to, but with the franchise’s track record we won’t be surprised if it rocks.
Featured Image: Renegade Game Studios