Ryan Gosling Is Neil Armstrong in FIRST MAN Trailer

That’s one small step for Ryan GoslingOpens in a new tab…one giant leap for Damien ChazelleOpens in a new tab, the director of Whiplash and La La Land. Here’s to the ones who dream, indeed.

Based on a Neil ArmstrongOpens in a new tab biography by James R. Hansen, First ManOpens in a new tab looks like a much more intimate, tense take than a traditional epic like The Right Stuff. Hell, the trailer alone might make you doubt Armstrong will make it out alive, even though we know for a fact that he did. That’s what happens when a director who can make jazz drumming feel like a life and death issue gets to take on an actual life and death adventure.

Familiar faces also crop up playing…other familiar faces. Ant-ManOpens in a new tab villain Corey Stoll is Buzz Aldrin. Shea Wigham is Gus Grissom. Pablo Schreiber is Jim Lovell, famously played by Tom Hanks in Apollo 13. And Jason Clarke is Ed White, the first American to walk in space. Claire Foy costars as Janet Shearon, Armstrong’s first wife…and by the looks of things so far, we’re going to see exactly why there was a second.

Gosling seems like a solid fit for the reluctant American hero who mostly refused to sign autographs or profit from his image, let alone allow others to do so. Maybe it’s just the roles he plays, but Gosling has perfected that “reluctant celebrity” vibe, despite saving jazz, liberating replicants, and spawning a thousand “hey girl…” memes. This is no giant leap for him, except literally, because it will be playing in Imax.

Did this trailer have the right stuff for you? Tell us about it in comments.

It’s a major trailer week: