We knew Brenton Thwaites was playing Dick Grayson as Robin on Titans, but now we know he’s not the only red-chested crimefighter who’s done time with Batman in the show’s universe. Jason Todd, played by 20th Century Women‘s Curran Walters, is here too, and whether that means Dick evolves into Nightwing while Jason keeps the Robin mantle, or Jason meets a grisly fate like he once did in comics, we don’t yet know. What is highly unlikely is Batman/Bruce Wayne actually showing up, at least until after Gotham‘s final season has run its course.
Jason isn’t expected to be a regular cast member, but his presence tells us there are other caped crusaders out there. Check it out on the new DC Daily (it starts at the 2:17 mark):
Today is Batman Day 2018, per DC, and DC Universe is now available for sign-up; Titans will begin airing starting October 12th, with Doom Patrol spinning off next year, followed by Swamp Thing, which will not have any crossovers planned.
Showrunner Greg Walker recently told IGN of Todd that “he’s got a punk rock, no-holds-barred attitude that’s massively unburdened. There’s a lot of energy that comes with that…You get to watch Dick Grayson struggle when he sees another Robin and how that Robin is different and has a different relationship with ‘dad.’ And the second child gets away with stuff the first child would never get away with in a family, and ours is really a family show.” A family show where Dick Grayson swears at his former “Dad,” of course.
Which Robin are you more interested in so far? Let us know in comments.
Image: DC Universe