If you thought those annoying Pinkerton agents caused you lots of problems in Red Dead Redemption 2Opens in a new tab, that’s nothing compared to the issue the game’s publisher is now facing for including the famed detective agency in its story. Turns out the Pinkerton company still exists, and now it’s suing for its piece of the Old West action.The Verge reportsOpens in a new tab that Red Dead Redemption 2 publisher Take-Two is claiming fair useOpens in a new tab in response to a cease-and-desist letter it received from the Swedish company Securitas AB, which owns the Pinkerton Detective Agency (yup, it’s still around). In December, two months after the game’s release to tens of millions of sales, Securitas AB asked for either a one time lump payment or continued royalties for the game’s use of Pinkerton agents Andrew Milton and Edgar Ross.
Take-Two is arguing that the inclusion of the company, originally known as the Pinkerton National Detective Agency when it was founded in 1850, in the game is covered by the First Amendment. It states that other historically accurate films, shows, and movies have previously used the company (now known as Pinkerton Consulting & Investigations) without issue.
Featured Image: Rockstar Games/Video Games Source