I cannot imagine anyone being mad about Pedro Pascal portraying Mister Fantastic in the upcoming film The Fantastic Four. He’s an excellent actor and also seems like a cool dude in general. But I can imagine that fans are wondering who else was up for the role. And, if they are like me, they will be bummed that one particular actor didn’t make the cut. In an interview with Salaam Nerds, Rahul Kohli revealed that he was considered for the role of Mister Fantastic. (Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Deadline.)

He reflected on the experience, noting the good and bad of what it means to be an actor:
“Yeah, I don’t know if I’m allowed to talk about it but I didn’t get it, is the important thing. But on good days, I see the Constantine. “It will flare up once and again. And, I love all of them. On good days, you’re like, ‘Man, I’m wanted!’ People really want to see. You’re the guy that people will shout out for anything. On bad days, ‘It’s a reminder that you’re not the guy. You’re not there. These are the roles you’ll never get.’ So, it’s sweet and it’s perspective. It’s how you feel about yourself.”
Rahul Kohli was certainly a part of my dream cast (I think he’d make a brilliant Mister Fantastic) but perhaps we will see him as a hero in the near future.