Put Porgs on Your Feet with Po-Zu’s Latest STAR WARS Shoes

When you saw cute little porgs flying around Ahch-To in The Last Jedi and thought to yourself, "I cannot wait to cover my body with these critters," you've had your dreams come true. Porg jewelry, porg tops, porg skirts, porg dresses--all of these things exist. And now, thanks to Po-Zu, you can even wear porgs on your feet. The company has created a number of Star Wars shoes since the release of The Force Awakens, including the oh so comfortable Rey boots, and they've found a way to make porg sneakers look stylish.

Via StarWars.com, the all-over porg print is available on both high-top and low-cut shoes. Po-Zu, a company dedicated to using natural components and renewable materials whenever possible, is based in the United Kingdom, so before you order, get comfortable with your EU shoe size. And fair warning, once you order a single pair of their shoes, it's hard to stop. They have designs inspired by characters like Chewbacca and also shoes that are practically replicas of what's worn on screen by the likes of Rey or Poe Dameron. The porg sneakers (what glorious times we live in) are available for pre-order today, starting at £59/$82 and will ship in May 2018. You can shop for them and other Star Wars designs at Po-Zu's site. Drool over more of their galactic options in the gallery below. Are the porg sneakers calling your name? Or are you more into another of Po-Zu's styles? Share your shoe picks in the comments.

Images: Po-Zu

Amy Ratcliffe is an Associate Editor for Nerdist. She likes Star Wars a little. Follow her on Twitter.

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