Peer Behind the Curtain of How Board Games Are Made

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What happens when the makers of our favourite games put up videos on how to make them? The answer is simple: we watch in awe. We’ve dug up a couple of fascinating videos on how board games are made.

Ludo Fact’s production facility in Europe (the largest game production facility in Europe) makes a lot of fascinating things you know and love. The detailed video shows the entire process of how something gets made, from the designers and producers scoping out the cost, all the way to warehousing and distribution. The level of detail involved in Ludo Fact’s production is shockingly incredible. I mean, behold their sample room, where they keep a sample from every production run of every game they’ve made.

There really is no better way to sum up it up other than LIFE GOALS.


Mayday Games also lifted the curtain on their production facilities. While less sophisticated than Ludo Fact, there’s something rather satisfying about watching someone feed every Smash Up! lid into a notching machine.


What’s especially interesting is seeing side-by-side comparisons of the same aspects of production. Some aspects (like cutting of cards and components) are substantially different due to automation.


At the same time, when it comes to assembling the box, everything is hand packed, whether the game is produced in China or Germany.


Watch the videos yourself and discover just how much work it takes to make your favourite games.

What game do you think has the best production quality? Let us know in the comments!

Featured Image Credit: Mayday Games (Fair Use)

Image Credit: Stephen Conway & Mayday Games (Fair Use)

Teri Litorco is a YouTuber, past Geek & Sundry Vlogger, and all-around tabletop gaming geek. Find her on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.