Peeps Announces a Whole Bunch of Crazy New Flavors

When someone talks about “Halloween candyOpens in a new tab,” that really just means “all candy.” But when someone says “Easter candy” a few very specific items come to mind: jelly beans, hollow bunny-shaped chocolates, Cadbury eggs, and, of course, Peeps. Those glittery marshmallow treats in the shapes of bunnies and chicks are as much a part of Spring as pastels and egg hunts. And this year there are going to be a whole lot more of them in some pretty funky flavors, because nothing says “Easter morning” like a pancake-and-syrup-flavored marshmallow chick.

That sweet new offering (that we learned about at KitchnOpens in a new tab) is just one of the many new flavors that will be available everywhere this year for spring’s signature holiday. They will also be releasing both cotton candy and orange sherbet Peeps wherever you can find the super sweet candies, as well as Fruit Punch-flavored ones. But if you’re a Peeps completist that’s weird and we need to talk. Still, if you are, you’ll need to hit the road to find their other new limited-release flavors.

Krogers in the Midwest will have Root Beer Float Chicks, Target will sell both Vanilla Crème and Chocolate Caramel Swirl Flavored Marshmallow Chicks, and Walmart will have what we think are the weirdest ones in the bunch, Blue Raspberry Chicks.

These aren’t even the marshmallow tip of a chick’s beak though. Peeps has been on an all out assault this year, having also announced Peep jelly beans, cereal, and coffee creamer flavors. Because if there’s one thing we were missing in life it was the exhilarating thrill of not knowing what kind of Peep we were about to put in our Peep hole. You can find their full lineupOpens in a new tab and where you can find them close to youOpens in a new tab at the official Peeps website.

Easter might still have signature candies, but at this rate when someone says “Peeps” they’ll be talking about “all the flavors.”

Images: Peeps