Friends, waffles, work. The latter of those always in last place. Leslie Knope understands priorities. And those pillars of her life come into play in Funko Games‘ new Parks and Recreation Party Game. The card game has a simple, appropriate premise. You have to make deals to accomplish important projects for Pawnee, but you need to take as much of the credit as you can. That helps you get better rewards. So be selfless for the community while also keeping in mind what you’ll get out of it. It’s the Parks and Recreation way.

Funko Games announced the Parks and Recreation Party Game on Wednesday morning. It’s for three to six players and ages 14 and up. The game pieces include project cards, character characters, to do cards, and more. You can play as Leslie, April, Donna, Ron, Tom, or Andy. But most importantly—and we do mean most—the game comes with a Li’l Sebastian figure. As players take turns, Li’l Sebastian eats waffle tokens. When he finishes eating, the game concludes and whoever has the best waffles wins.
Cute, right? But that’s not all. The company also revealed its Ted Lasso Party Game. The theme for this one is feeling good. Unsurprisingly, the Ted Lasso Party Game features cooperative play, so everyone works together to help their friends and support their teammates. It even comes with a little football field to play on. D’aww!

The Ted Lasso Party Game includes a football die, an adorable little pink biscuit box you can draw tiles from, and a timer app that brings themed sound effects. Basically it sounds like the kind of good, clean fun that Coach Lasso would fully support.
The Parks and Recreation Party Game and the Ted Lasso Party Game both should arrive to retailers in mid-2022.
Featured Image: NBC
Amy Ratcliffe is the Managing Editor for Nerdist and the author of A Kid’s Guide to Fandom, available now. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.