Own the Original C-3PO Head From A NEW HOPE for a Mere $1.2 Million

One can make a fine argument that C-3PO is the face of the entire Star Wars franchise. Anthony Daniels’ fussy golden protocol droid has been with the series since 1977, and for over 45 years has appeared in 10 Star Wars films, 3 animated shows, and most recently popped up on Star Wars: Ahsoka.Opens in a new tab Oh, and in one infamous Holiday Special as well. If you’ve got a cool £1 million/$1.2 million U.S. to spare, then you can now own the forever startled face of the galaxy, as the original C-3PO head from A New Hope could be yours via the Propstore’s Entertainment Memorabilia auctionOpens in a new tab, coming to London November 9-12.

Anthony Daniel as C-3PO aboard the Tantive IV, in the opening scene of Star Wars: A New Hope original head up for auction

This particular Threepio head is one of the originals from his 1976 shoot in Tunisia and the U.K. It was a part of Anthony Daniels’ own personal collection. Other parts of his enormous Star Wars collection are also up for sale. In a statement, Daniels said “I’m thrilled that Propstore has agreed to curate my collection and I trust that the pieces will go into the right hands.” We assume whoever pays over a million dollars for this unique item will indeed take very good care of it. Hopefully, they put it in a nice, climate-controlled room with an original R2-D2 prop right next to it.

This auction will also have a metric ton of other incredible artifacts from beloved films up for grabs. We’re talking about truly iconic pieces, like Indiana Jones’ whip from Temple of Doom. Or Freddy Krueger’s glove from A Nightmare on Elm StreetOpens in a new tab, and Steve Rogers’ shield from Captain America: The First Avenger. Even Stanley Kubrick’s original annotated shooting script for The Shining is among the items. But if you’re only in it for the Star Wars of it all? Then there is a wealth of items from the franchise for you, from the original films to today. This is definitely an auction that true collectors of Hollywood treasure (with very deep pockets) can’t afford to miss, especially if they want a C-3PO head.