New Dungeon Master’s Guild: Share, Sell & Download D&D Content

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Whether you’re a DM who’s looking for a new module or monsters for your group, or DM sitting on a king’s ransom of homebrewed content, there’s good news out there. Dungeons & Dragons has partnered with OneBookshelf to create the Dungeons Master’s Guild: a new platform that allows DMs to self-publish content set in the Forgotten Realms including their homebrewed monsters, spells, characters, and locations.

Creators can share their creations for free, charge what they wish or give folks the option to pay what they want. If you do choose to charge for your content, 50% of the price goes to you, where the remaining half is split between Wizards of the Coast and OneBookshelf.

Guild members will not only be able to upload and peruse community created content, but also access content from gaming’s most esteemed designers.

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There are a few limitations for sharing on the new platform though: content must be for Forgotten Realms material using D&D 5th Ed. rules. Any type of content may be shared, but featured content will be comprised of side treks, monsters, and backgrounds. For content outside of of this, WotC has opened up their Open Gaming License so creators can continue to self-publish 5th edition content outside the Forgotten Realms.

If you’ve ever dreamed of making a living as a DM or a game designer, you’re now able to take one step closer. You can also check out Matt Mercer’s Blood Hunter Class as well as his Gunslinger Martial Archetype for Fighters on the site just to give you an idea of what you can find on the site.

Will you be signing up for the Dungeons Master’s Guild? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image Credit: Wizards of the Coast | Dungeons & Dragons

Image Credit: Wizards of the Coast | Dungeons & Dragons