ADULT SWIM Short Contains Flappy Balloon Head from Hell

Warning: This video may induce seizures. It may also cause clown flashbacks or maybe even clown flashforwards. Please be advised. 

It’s probably been a while since your last truly horrific nightmare. You know, one of those nightmares that scares you so bad you take a few minutes after you wake up just to thank Yoda that you’re in a safe, warm bed that’s only slightly damp from sweat. To help you get out of that dry spell, here’s one of Adult Swim’s latest videos titled “Face Lift.” After watching it, you may want an “eye gouge.”The video, which comes via Digg, is the flappy headed brainchild of Steve Smith and Lucas W. Nathan (who goes by “Jerry Paper… when he is grooving”). Smith, an animator living in Los Angeles, did the visuals, and Paper, also in L.A., made the beats.

The result of the collaboration between Smith and Paper is very Adult Swim in its tone, style, and strangeness—the network is no stranger to this kind of content—but the video is still uniquely odd. The only explanation under the clip is “Be better and more beautiful than you were before,” with Nathan and Paper’s twitter accounts, as well as a link to the crossword show, BloodFeast.

Also, the video apparently utilized a scanned version of Paper’s head, which isn’t really bizarre or creepy, but pretty cool from a tech standpoint.

What do you think about this Adult Swim video? Do you love the bright colors and abstract interplay of shapes, or are you just going to be haunted by a flappy eyeless head for the next fortnight? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Images: Adult Swim