Steven Spielberg is only one of the world’s most famous and acclaimed filmmakers. I’d wager even if you didn’t care anything about movies, you know the name Steven Spielberg. Jurassic Park, Catch Me If You Can, the rest. Even if a particular movie he makes isn’t our cup of tea, we’re still always interested to hear about it. That being said, we still like to know what the movie, you know, is. But, according to Deadline, the next Spielberg movie is a legitimate mystery.

Universal has added an “event title” to its slate for Summer 2026. Spielberg will create and direct the original project along with frequent collaborator, screenwriter David Koepp. And guess what! That’s all we know right now. Spielberg can make event movies, we know that. It’s what he’s done for almost the entirety of his career. And the idea of an original creation certainly has us intrigued, given the glut of IP-driven fare we always have in the works.
So add May 15, 2026 to your calendar and hope it’s not secretly Ready Player Two.