You Can Cut the Butcher Line Thanks to These Meat Vending Machines

We all know that horrible feeling when it's three in the morning and you have a hankering for a hunk of steak, only you don't have any in your house, and the grocery store doesn't open for hours! Okay, maybe we don't all know that feeling, but I assure you it's terrible. Fortunately, one butcher shop has made it so you can get high quality cuts of beef 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to their steak vending machines. In a tasty story we came across at Foodbeast, The Applestone Meat Company has machines dispensing meat at two locations in New York: Accord and Stone Ridge. According to Bloomberg, the machines, adapted from ones made to hold sandwiches, each carry about 150 different items, and they generate roughly 3,00 pounds worth of sales per week, so they are restocked multiple times a day. Not only do these real steak vending machines carry everything from ground beef to different types of sausage to bone-in rib-eye, all the meat is fresh!

If the idea of walking up to a machine and buying a steak from it sounds weird, the company says the two machines account for 70% of Applestone's total sales. So it's no surprise that they are expanding to more locations and building much bigger machines that can hold 1,000 items. The company is even planning to bring one to Manhattan. And of course they should! New York is the "city that never sleeps," and sometimes you just really want to grill up a steak at 3 AM. Would you be willing to buy steak from a vending machine? Or is this idea a little overcooked? We're hungry to hear what you think in our comments section below.

Featured Image: Universal Pictures