McDonald’s Celebrates 40 Years Of Happy Meals with Throwback Toys

There’s nothing like a McDonald’sOpens in a new tab Happy Meal to stir up some good old-fashioned American childhood nostalgia. Who doesn’t remember the joy of opening that infamous red box with the golden “M” handle? The nuggets or burgers were pretty tasty at the time, but the real reason excitement came from digging in the box to reveal the latest cool toy. They lasted all of 2.5 seconds for most kids, but those seconds were pretty glorious. Sometimes, it was the Hamburglar or some sort of career McNugget. Other times it was something extremely cool like a Hot Wheels car or a cool doll.

The love for these little toys led to the beginning of many collections and future eBay sells. Believe it or not, McDonald’s is celebrating 40 years of kids’ meals this month with a special surprise. Per USA TodayOpens in a new tab, McDonald’s will offer a limited-edition Surprise Happy Meal in several countries from November 7-11 with 15 throwback toys. There will also be two Disney exclusives – 101 Dalmatians (1997) and Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey (2002) – offered in the United States only.

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There have been a ton of changes at McDonald’s since 1979, but the Happy MealOpens in a new tab and its toy continue to reign supreme. So, it makes a lot of sense to celebrate this milestone by tapping into the current wave of throwback love for pretty much everything. It gets kids at heart in the door and current kids who want a piece of the past, too. Supplies are probably going to run out fast, so collectors and curious fans will have to hurry if they want to secure something special.

Gif of Happy Meal items talking, from old McDonalds commercial

Here’s the complete list of toys (along with their original release year) that will be offered:

Cowboy McNugget: 1988

Fireman McNugget: 1988

Mail Carrier McNugget: 1988

Hamburger Changeable: 1989

Grimace: 1990

Dino Happy Meal Box Changeable: 1991

McDonald’s Hot Wheels Thunderbird: 1993

Hamburglar: 1995

Power Rangers: 1995

Space Jam Bugs Bunny: 1996

Patti the Platypus: 1997

101 Dalmatians (USA): 1997

Tamagotchi: 1998

My Little Pony: 1998

Furby: 1999

Sorcerer’s Apprentice Mickey (USA): 2002

Hello Kitty: 2013

Well, that’s a pretty solid list that spans a lot of years. There’s something for pretty much every 80s and 90s kid who grew up eating happy meals. Now, the best part about going to McDonald’s now is actually having McDonald’s money AND being able to take yourself there whenever you want some food. It’s one of the few perks that comes with being an adult.

So, get ready to roll up in McDonald’s parking lot and feel that same joy over opening up your kiddie meal. Here’s to hoping that you don’t keep getting the same toy over and over again. And, if you do, maybe you can find a friend to trade with like old times. That is, if you don’t have a friend who also has all the same toys as you too. Yikes.

Which toys are you hoping to score? And, is there a toy that you wish was on this list? I’m personally trying to get my hands on a Furby or Power Rangers toy. Let us know your favorite McDonald’s Happy Meal toys and memories in the comments below.

Image Credit: McDonald’s/YouTube