Mark Hamill Finally Met His STAR WARS Mom Natalie Portman

Mark Hamill is a national treasure and voice-acting legend, and yet for millions around the globe, he’ll always be Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Natalie Portman is an Oscar-winning actress with a metric ton of iconic roles to her name. Yet to a whole generation, she’ll always be Padmé Amidala of Naboo. So, since Portman played Hamill’s mother in the Star Wars saga, there was a collective squee of joy from fans at seeing the two iconic actors meet for the first time at the recent Golden Globes. Mark Hamill shared the photo via social media, and you can check out the first meeting of “mother and son” below:

Natalie Portman as Queen Padme Amidala in The Phantom Menace, and Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi.

This is not the first time an elder Star Wars child has met their younger on-screen parent. The late Carrie Fisher met Natalie Portman when Portman asked her to present an award to her several years ago. Their photo together is predictably adorable. At a Star Wars Celebration event a few years back, Mark Hamill got to meet his space dad, Hayden Christensen. Yet, Hamill always publicly lamented that meeting his space mom was something that never happened for various reasons. But at last, the stars aligned.

It’s unclear if Carrie Fisher ever met Hayden or not, but she did meet Jimmy Smits, who played her adoptive father Bail Organa. Some of you may think both casts already met, because isn’t there a photo of them all together? True, the entire principal casts of both the Star Wars original and prequel trilogies appeared together in a photo shoot for Vanity Fair back in 2005, when Revenge of the Sith came out. Despite appearances though, most of the actors posed for the cover photo at totally different times. So that doesn’t count, even if it is a killer photo. It’s a shame we never had one with the stars of all three trilogies. That would have been something to see.

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