Lisa Frank Debit Cards are Here to Turn Your Wallet into a Technicolor Dreamscape

If you’re all about living that unicorn life but don’t know how to pay for it, forget about cash—it’s simply not sparkly and special enough—you need a rainbow prepaid debit card. Because everything, frankly, should be a multicolor visual assault on your eyeballs, which is probably the exact reason Lisa Frank is now making prepaid debit cards.You certainly can’t miss them, emblazoned with peak Lisa Frank images these cards will definitely stand out inside your wallet. Brightly colored—heavy on the pink and sparkles—these cards are begging to be pulled out and shown off.

Imagine your favorite Lisa Frank images from childhood and they’re likely available as images for your card. Puppies, elephants, bears, and pegai are there, of course. Dual dolphins out for a morning swim are also a good choice. What about multiple animals in spinning teacups living their best life, eating snow cones and cotton candy with an intense fireworks display as a backdrop? You got it, it’s there too!These prepaid cards have no extra fees and require no minimum balance. Which means you can put as much or as little money as you want to help feed your rainbow addiction. If you sign up for direct deposit you get a $15 bonus and can take money out two days in advance, this is ideal if you run across that must-have pair of Lisa Frank leggings.I know all this info makes you want to run out and buy a Trapper Keeper full of these cards, but if you had to get just one—how could you possibly choose? Simply say to yourself, if there’s a design with dogs wearing a tiara or glasses, then it’s meant to be. I’m happy to report there’s a debit card that features both, so go forth and spend to your glittered unicorn heart’s content.For more of the stylish images check out the gallery below and see for all the card designs.Which Lisa Frank themed card is calling your name? Let us know in the comments and tag @nerdist and @justjenn on twitter!

Images: Lisa Frank/