LEGENDS OF TOMORROW’S Dominic Purcell Teases a New Queer Couple on the Waverider

Legends of TomorrowOpens in a new tab has always been the rebellious sibling of the ArrowverseOpens in a new tab. Not just in regard to its rotating cast, outlandish storylines, and wild historical settings, but also as a leader in LGBTQ representation on primetime television. The last season saw Caity Lotz’s bisexual White Canary take leadership of the Legends ship the Waverider, and introduced two more canon queer characters in the form of Russell Tovey’s Ray Terrill and his boyfriend, the alt-universe version of Wentworth Miller’s Leonard Snart, Citizen Cold. The coolest thing about those bits of casting is that both of the characters are played by queer actors, adding an extra bit of representation to the popular superhero show.

When The CWOpens in a new tab announced that Matt Ryan’s Constantine would be joining Legends for a two-part arc, fans were desperate to know if his sexual identity would finally be addressed. They were delighted when the creative team confirmed that, just like the comics, John Constantine would be canonically bisexual in the Legends universe. When we were on the Vancouver set of the sci-fi smash hit, Heatwave himself, Dominic Purcell, spilled the beans about the potential romance between his BFF Leonard Snart and Matt Ryan’s new arrival, who the actor portraying Mick Rory fondly calls “Trenchcoat” after Constantine’s iconic favorite item of clothing.

“Well, Trenchcoat has just arrived and I’ve only had one scene with him, and that was last week,” Purcell said. “He was hitting on Wentworth’s character. Isn’t Constantine bisexual? And it was all too much for Rory, so he just kind of walked out.”

After attempting to remember the name of Wentworth’s new character—”What’s Wentworth’s character now? It’s not Captain Cold… Citizen Cold! So Citizen Cold is different [from] Captain Cold. Completely different.”—Purcell continued with his description of the scene in question: “Rory watching Citizen Cold and Trenchcoat flirt with one another was like too much for Rory, so he just f****ing got out of there. That’s what I remember doing. It’s all too much! Too much information! Which makes it really funny. The scene is hysterical. We were all just on the floor laughing, so it’s all done in good fun.”

We’re certainly excited to see the return of Constantine after his arrival was teased on the midseason finale of Legends of Tomorrow. But now we’re even more stoked that we know he’s going to have a flirtation and possible fling with one of our all time favorite CW characters. Are you happy to see Constantine back on our screens? Exhilarated to see more positive queer representation on our screens? Just really love Wentworth Miller? Let us know in the comments!

Images: The CW, NBC